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Gary Douglas is a masterful teacher on how to live consciously with full awareness and respectful communication. Breaking the mold of conventional diet and exercise books, Right Body for You is a guide to communicating with your most precious friend and lifelong companion—your body – and how to listen to your body’s wisdom for health and vitality. Right Body for You goes far beyond the usual prescriptions for diet and lifestyle changes. It provides a range of tools to help you change whatever about your body isn’t working for you based on your particular body’s needs. And at the same time, it will raise your awareness around your attitudes about food, aging, health, and money. Radio talk show host Donielle Carter shares how by applying the Access tools and processes she went through a complete transformation – dropping from size 16 to size 6 – and from hiding from the world to being “willing to be the gift to the world that I can be.” "Any area of your life that isn't ease, joy and glory is where you have a lack of consciousness or awareness,” states Gary. In this book, Gary shows the body is no exception.

Publisher: Access Consciousness Publishing
Publication date: March 15, 2014
Language: English
Print length: 184 pages

Right Body For You

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