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MAGIC IS CONSCIOUSNESS AT WORK In "MAGIC. You ARE It. Be It." Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer share processes, tools and points of view that you can use to create consciousness and magic- and change your life in ways you may not even be able to imagine. Magic is about the fun of having the things you desire. In a larger way, magic is about consciousness - not the addendum TO your life, it's consciousness AS your life. You can function from consciousness every moment you're alive. When you do, your life becomes truly magical and there's nothing you can't generate. What are the infinite possibilities? What else is possible?


"Magic is all around us, it's something we all generate. What would it take to think differently about the universe, the consciousness and oneness that we all are and the magic that is an intrinsic part of it?"

-Gary M. Douglas

"The real magic is the ability to have the joy that's possible, the joy that can be generated, the joy that life can be!"

- Dr. Dain Heer



Publisher: Access Consciousness Publishing Company

Publication date: December 16, 2012

Language: English

Print length: 100 pages

Magic. You Are It. Be It.

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